Galerie Pierre Nouvion Monaco - 1991
Martine Mougin Réalité et Métamorphose
Réality and Metamorphosis
Some strange force is at work in the paint photographs of Martine Mougin which derives from their dual nature.
They are effectively all both works of a quality both composite and imitative.
As kinds of mosaics, they both superimpose images lacking direct relation between each other and display coloured areas painted in monochrome in commonplace mode which lend the image an air of applied technique.
All the new images which Martine Mougin has created over the past months call upon various qualities which vary between opposing extremes of nature and civilization whose points of convergence are depicted in the form of an alternative dialectic logic of the replete and the unclaimed.
Monochrome shades of colour which dominate almost all of her works, leaving only chosen details of the motif photographed in black and white, act as screens of stained glass whose rôle is to render the whole an air of unrealness.
Philippe Piguet
Catalogue exhibition Galerie Pierre Nouvion Monaco 1990
Sources : texte anglais P Piguet.doc